He asked me if I enjoyed it.
I told him the following story.
Let's refer to the girl as Jen to cover up any traces that anyone might know her.
I saw JEN at the high school reunion.
She was as weird at the reunion as she was 10 years ago.
She was as weird at the reunion as she was 10 years ago.
I asked her how is life?
She said, "I like horsies".
She said, "I like horsies".
It was a bit weird and really didn't answer my question.
So for followup I asked her what she does for a job.
She responded "Petting horsies".
I felt bad for her, not much had changed since High School, still on level 11 astral-hippie plane atop Middle Earth with some Dungeon and Dragons thrown in.
Lastly, who says horsies?
My Japanese blog.
Also somewhat incoherent like this blog, but more weird stuff happened to me in Japan.
Take a gander at it at this link.
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