Superglue Superfoo(l)
I wish it rhymed better.
So I do stupid things. Incase you didn't already know.
I haven't done that before, although similar. |
Things were worse than normal yesterday.
I always promise myself that anytime I use superglue I’m
going to put gloves on.
Incase you didn't read my other story, I glued my fingers to
my door recently.
The worst part, is that wasn't even the first time I did it. I never seem to learn
my lesson.
Yesterday someone asked me to fix the handles on a pair of
scissors. I thought perhaps if I used enough superglue it was fix the cracked in half plastic handle.
I covered the crack in glue. I kept blowing on it. I didn't realize my finger and thumb had somehow been covered with superglue. I lost all
feeling in my finger and thumb. My skin went hard as a rock.
I wondered if I was going to be able to use my smartphone as
my finger isn't really skin anymore, its solid superglue.
After feeling the need to remove it, I read online superglue’s
only weakness is nail polish remover. Much like Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite (and magic and the red sun and depending on the comic other colours of Kryptonite, but lets ignore those).
I asked all the girls if they had any, but they only had
nail polish. One informed me nail polish removes nail polish so it’s the same
(she lied, it’s not the same).
She proceeded to paint my finger and thumb purple with nail
polish. In addition to my finger and thumb being rock solid, I now also had a
purple-sparkly finger and thumb.
One of the girls told me we had “Goo gone” to remove that
kind of thing. I asked is she sure it’s for superglue and she said yes.
I should have remembered she lied to me in step 1 as I was
stuck with a purple finger and thumb, but I didn't.
I went and got it. The directions on the back stated for furniture,
upholstery and other items. I did notice it said poison on the front, but I wasn't planning to drink it so I figured its fine.
I dipped my finger and thumb in the bottle. A nice bleach
skin eating feeling came across me. I guess I should have taken them out, but I
really wanted to absorb it.
I had scratched at my skin with my nail and some scissors so the skin was already exposed.
I rubbed my whole hands in the goo gone and kept rubbing the skin. Felt
like layers of skin were being removed.
I now noticed on the front the bottle read “DO NOT PUT ON SKIN, THIS IS POISON”.
The back in small print informs to always wear gloves when
using and clean hands immediately if any touches the skin.
Now that my hands were on fire, I thought it was a good time
to wash my hands.
As I was about to leave the office one of the maintenance
staff entered the room.
He said hi and saw the bottle of Goo gone was out.
“Be careful, you don’t want to get that on your skin, its
I laughed and left the room, my hands dripping with goo
Once home another issue arose which again required the
I contemplated keeping my promise and getting some gloves.
I didn't.
I now have superglued skin on both hands.
LOL. Nothing to do with Superglue. "Super" funny though. |
My Japanese blog.
Also somewhat incoherent like this blog, but more weird stuff happened to me in Japan.
Take a gander at it at this link.